Sunday, May 27, 2007

Finally - creating a blog on this great Dubai Adventure!

We've found we've been having way too much fun over here....and not getting around to emailing the occasional updates and photos to friends and family who are eagerly (?) awaiting their arrival. Soooooo - we're joining the cyber-age and creating a blog. Aren't we hip!! (LOL)

Since you have no idea of chronology of our discoveries and escapades, we'll just organize the posts by subjects to fill in events since Fred's arrival in Dubai September 29, 2006 (or as they write in Dubai - 29/9/2006) followed by Linda January 2, 2007.....2/1/2007). As you can imagine, we've learned to give dates by naming the month and day, rather than risk having our new international friends and colleagues over here show up on the wrong day for an event.

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